Celebrating Project Onward with a Gift
Project Onward maintains a unique emphasis on career development in the visual arts for adult artists with developmental disabilities and mental disorders.
Since 2004, Project Onward has been dedicated to providing our artists with the very best—from our beautiful studio space to quality art materials, guidance and access to markets in order to sell their art and earn an income.
​A few highlights from our 19 years:
Artist artwork selected for galleries, collections and museums from Chicago to New York City, London, Paris, Singapore, Australia and numerous places between.
The organization and artwork featured in major print publications like The New York Times, Martha Stewart Living and The Outsider.
Scaling operations from supporting and promoting 14 artists to more than 60 artists.
As our artist, Adam Hines, likes to say, “Without you and me, there would be no Project Onward!”
Thank you for your generous and continued support!

Financial Transparency
Project Onward thrives to be good stewards of all grants, contributions, and donation and aims to be transparent in all aspects of its operations. To preserve the trust of its donors, sponsors and grant makers, Project Onward makes its financial records available including but not limited to its IRS Form 990 and annual independent audit. Its audits have earned an unqualified opinion for the last five fiscal years. It also has received the Gold Seal of Transparency from GuideStar (https://www.guidestar.org/) for the last three years. Project Onward employs a set of business practices that includes a sound internal control framework for staff and promotes fairness and transparency between the public, artist, staff and board members.